Any class listed below will be taught in English or bilingually Danish/English. Click on each course to see details and price.
At the moment we are not hiring new models.
TegneskoleKBH was founded by Rasmus Aagaard in 2011, and has been run by him ever since.
Rasmus’ teaching is rooted in the classical discipline of figure drawing,
with the belief that if you can draw the human figure, you can draw anything.
Rasmus Aagaard has many years of experience in teaching classical drawing,and has studied drawing at several art schools himself.
Rasmus also has a BA in philosophy from the University of Copenhagen, so his classes will be both practical and theoretical.
Most classes at TegneskoleKBH are taught bilingually Danish/English.
The place for you?
TegneskoleKBH is the place for you, if you want to enhance your level of classical drawing.
Classical drawing is the foundation of animation / cartoons / illustration / architecture / painting and sculpting alike, and no matter what your career or dreams may be, it’s vitally important that the foundation is rock solid.
Visual tools
During the course you will be forced to think about what you are doing, when you draw, and why you are doing it.
You will get a thorough introduction to visual tools such as composition, line/tone, crosshatching,
anatomy, construction, perspective, etc. As Glenn Vilppu famously stated: “There are no rules, only tools”.
What to expect
Expect a lot of critique, and a lot of practice.
This can sometimes be very hard, but this is how you will grow as an artist.
Don’t expect to be told that your drawings are beautiful.
What makes TegneskoleKBH unique?
A lot of people are easily impressed with photo realistic drawings. They think that the more a drawing resembles a photography, the better the drawing.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
A great artist is known not on the ability to reproduce everything, but on the ability to select and recreate only those things that are important, and disregard everything else.
This is what you see when you look at the drawings by Da Vinci, Michellangelo, Pontormo and other great artists from the past, and these are our source of inspiration at TegneskoleKBH
Competent teachers
All drawing course at TegneskoleKBH are taught by Rasmus Aagaard personally or by teachers carefully chosen by him to reflect the standarts and concept of his teaching.
Life drawing
In many art schools today, (even classical art schools), life drawing is replaced entirely with cast drawings, master copies or drawing from photos. This kind of drawing will kill your art. (Especially drawing from photos).
If you want your art to live and breathe, you should draw living and breathing people, and at TegneskoleKBH we have life drawing several times a week!
Short and long poses
The poses at TegneskoleKBH vary from 30 seconds to around 10 hours.
This is based on the philosophy that drawing quick sketches will improve your long studies, and your long studies will improve your quick sketches.
This is also different from a lot of other classical drawing schools, where they teach only one or the other.
At TegneskoleKBH you will learn to construct what you see, instead of just copy what you see.
This is one of the major differences between this school, and other schools of classical art.
The reason why you want to construct instead of copy, is that when you construct what you see, you will learn from it.
You can not learn to draw from imagination, if all you do is copy.
One of the goals of TegneskoleKBH is to make you capable of drawing the human figure from imagination, and this is not possible if you only copy the model.