Classical Drawing by Charles Bargue
Tilmeld![Tegnekursus efter Charles Bargue-metoden](/media/z/9f11c0e0ac104221b81df422e8fb6ecb/image/aWQ9Mzg2NyZjb2RlPUJBUkdVRTAxJmhhc2g9OTVEQkJCMDExMTQ1NDY5QkMxNzhBMjBGQzY5Q0Y0MzI3REZERTBCRA.jpg)
In 1866, the French painter
Charles Bargue published a drawing course with a series of exercises which were
used in the art academies of the time. The exercises provide solid training in
classical drawing, where the aim is to draw what you see as accurately as
possible. In this class we will go through a selection of Bargue's exercises to
hone our skills of rendering proportions, light and shadow. The course is open
for beginners as well as more experienced artists.
Please note: Discount as student/unemployed/retired is available only for residents of Copenhagen Municipality, and we are obliged to obtain documentation
Bygmestervej 5
2400 København NV
Tegnelokale 1
Praktisk information
- Hold nr:
- 21660
- Første møde:
- 27.03.25 kl. 18:30
- Sidste møde:
- 15.05.25 kl. 18:30
- Mødegange:
- 7
- Lektioner:
- 23
- Almen
- DKK 2730,00
- Dagpengemodtager
- DKK 2594,00
- Efterlønsmodtager
- DKK 2594,00
- Pensionist
- DKK 2594,00
- SU-modtager
- DKK 2594,00
![Christoffer Gertz Bech portrætfoto](/media/z/9f11c0e0ac104221b81df422e8fb6ecb/image/aWQ9Mzg2MSZjb2RlPUNIUkdCRUNIMSZoYXNoPTM2N0Y3QUE0NEQ1N0JFRjY0ODgyQjAxNjNERUIyOEU4MkU2QzY3QTA.jpg)
Christoffer Gertz Bech
Christoffer har altid tegnet og malet. Han har sat sig ind i klassisk
tegne- og maleteknik ved Studio Éscalier i Paris og er derudover cand.mag. i filosofi og græsk. Han har mange års erfaring som underviser, bl.a. ved aftenskoler og på Medicinsk Museion, og har illustreret flere bøger.